The platform allows the recruiter to leave a comment or feedback on a candidate in the reports section.
In this article we are going to explain:
- Put comments on a candidate’s test report
- Allowing other team member to comment on report
1. Put comments on a candidate’s test report
You can put comments on candiate report for your internal tracking purpose.
This is how it is done
Step 1: In Test Hosted, click on Reports next to the concerned test.
Step 2: Under the Reports section click on Comment button
Step 3: In the dialogue box you can drop in your comments and you can give your opinion on a candidate by giving a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

2. Allowing other team members to comment on report
You can share the Commentable Public Link with your colleagues to get feedback and comments from others as well.
Commentable Public Link : It is a link that you can share and anyone with the link can give their feedback or drop in their comments on the candidate’s report.
This is how it can be done:
Step 1: Click on the detailed Report of the concerned candidate.
Step 2: Click on Get Commentable Public Link and share the link with your colleagues to get feedback and review on the candidate’s performance.