The coding tests generate Plagiarism Report along with the test reports.
This report is generated by comparing every candidate code with every other candidate and a similarity percentage is calculated.
In Plagiarism Report, the candidates whose codes are most similar to each other will turn up.
For example, If candidates Alice and Bob have taken up the test and has cheated in Coding Qs. 1, then the percentage of similarity will be shown under
Coding Qs. 1. However, if there is a similarity in their codes in the third question then it will be viewed under Coding Qs. 3 and so on.
Can A | Can B | A Marks | B Marks | Coding Qs. 1 | Coding Qs. 2 | Detailed Report |
Alice | Bob | 87 | 82 | 100% | 0% | Report |
This is how it can be checked:
Step 1: Go to the Reports and click on Plagiarism Report. You can put in the filter to view candidates whose codes have more similarities.

Step 2: You can also select one candidate for a more comprehensive analysis and view the detailed report along with their answers by clicking on Report next to the respective candidate. You can interpret this report and choose to Reject or Shortlist a candidate at this stage itself.